MARC train service will continue here in the Eastern Panhandle. An agreement has been reached this week regarding funding with more than $3.3 million being allocated. The funds are coming from a variety of sources: $1.1 million from the governor’s contingency fund, $1.2 million is from the legislature and $750,000 coming from other state agencies. Local governments (municipal and county) will contribute an additional $300,000. Maryland will increase the price of the MARC train service system-wide but will remove the $2 surcharge currently in place for stops in West Virginia. We have a 5 year contract with a 30 day opt out provision.
I worked hard on this, as did others, but the heavy lifting was done by Senator Craig Blair, the chair of the West Virginia Senate Finance Committee. Without his help and attention regarding this issue we would not have gotten this done. Senator Blair serves the 15th Senatorial district that includes Morgan County and part of Berkeley County.