I fully and enthusiastically endorse PATRICIA RUCKER for WV STATE SENATE.
Patricia is one of the brightest stars in our area. She has devoted her life to helping our local community. Her tireless work with local charities and youth programs proves she is a neighbor first, and politician second.
Patricia Rucker also brings the intelligence and worldliness rarely seen in West Virginia politics. Her father was the South American Bureau Chief for Agence France-Presse (AFP), wh…ich along with Reuters, is the world’s primary news service. He instilled in Patricia the life skills of analysis, research, and critical thinking. Patricia will bring this clarity of thought, and devotion to seeking the truth, to the WV State Senate.
In all the years I have known and worked with Patricia Rucker, she has consistently displayed a deep and sincere commitment to making West Virginia a better place to live and work. She has also made it clear that she will “move mountains” to make our local concerns heard and addressed in the State Senate.
It is time to stop West Virginia being nationally last in everything that is good and first in everything that is bad. Patricia Rucker will change that.